Loan Options

Because One Size Does Not Fit All!

Conventional loans are sometimes referred to as conforming.  Most real estate loans are not backed by an agency of the federfal government, and have a first lien position.  Conventional loans are conforming loans that limit loan amounts of single family residences to the current limit of $510,400 as of 2020 depending on what county you live in.

Jumbo loans do not meet the conventional conforming loan standards because the loan amount is too large and are also known as non-conforming.  Non-conforming loans are higher risk as they do not meet the Fannie Mae and Freddie purchasing requirements.  At Loan Experts, we have many options including alternative jumbo loan options.

FHA home loans are very common. FHA is a program designed to help borrowers who might have difficulty buying a house. If the borrower falls within FHA’s requirements FHA insures the loan for the lender, which makes the loan very low risk for the lender, which is very good for the borrower.  Contact us today to see what you qualify for.

In 1944 the U.S. congress passed the GI Bill of Rights to help those who served in the armed forces readjust to civilian life. One section of this bill provided loan programs with no money down and low closing costs to veterans. These loans, called VA loans, for the Veteran’s Administration are not given by the Veteran’s Administration. The government determines the basic guidelines for the loans and then guarantees the loan amount to the lender in case the borrower defaults.

Refinancing your mortgage can mean great savings for you and your family. Replacing your existing mortgage with a lower interest loan, changing the term of your loan, or even consolidating all your debts into this new loan could save you money, both monthly and over the life of the loan.  Contact us today to determine what the benefits would be if you decide to refinance your current home loan, whether its to reduce your current interest rate or cash out to pay off debt.

Self-employed borrowers can have a challenging time qualifying for a traditional home loan. But you do not have to worry about there not being a program available to help you qualify for a mortgage. Bank Statement programs are designed specifically for those who do not have the tax documents, W-2’s,or adequate proof of income that clearly indicates their ability to pay. 

Are you a real estate investor looking to grow your portfolio? Our Investor Cash Flow program is designed specifically to serve your real estate investment goals. This program allows you to qualify based on rental analysis to determine property cash flow. No personal income is needed to qualify. This saves you from submitting complicated income
statements and tax returns. Contact us today for  to get started fulfilling your goals.

Millions of people are ready to move up or get into the housing market, but conventional loans may not be the best fit for them. Portfolio type of loans are not your typical agency loans where they are based on specific agency requirements.  These are out of the box type of loans where our specific investors utilize “make sense underwriting” that show the borrowers ability to repay the loan.  Contact us to discuss your options.

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